Coach Mikki and Friends

A Journey of Compassion: Felicia Harris’s Mission of Kindness S3E11

Coach Mikki Season 3 Episode 11

Have you ever considered the power of a small act of kindness? In our newest episode, we sit down with Felicia Harris, the inspirational founder of Greater Works Today Incorporated and the Operation Blessings We Care Campaign. Felicia's mission is to enhance self-esteem, strengthen communities, and empower people of all ages. She does this in a unique way: by providing comforting body care products to cancer patients. Hear how these small donations bring lights into the hospitals and spark hope in the hearts of those going through some of their darkest days.

Felicia doesn't stop there. She collaborates with high school students to package and distribute these care kits, demonstrating that any donation can make a significant difference. We delve into her work with five cancer centers and hear amazing stories of joy, hope, and even the formation of new friendships. From hydrating lotion to Shea Butter lip scrub and balm, her carefully curated gifts are more than just products - they're symbols of humanity’s inherent kindness and empathy. Join us as Felicia takes us on a heartwarming journey that will surely inspire you to make a difference, no matter how small, in someone else's life.

For a donation at any amount - Greater Works Today Inc 

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Speaker 1:

Hey, I'm Coach Mickey and I'm so glad that you've joined us. If this is your first time joining us, come on in and make yourself comfortable. For those of you that joined us on a regular basis, I know you've got your cup of coffee, your hot tea or whatever beverage you're drinking and you're ready for another fun episode with us and seeing who our guest is going to be with us this week. Thank you so much for reaching out to our guests. I really do appreciate the fact that you guys connect with them and you support them and you help them with whatever endeavor that they are doing, whether it's their books, whether it's a fundraiser, whether it's just to reach out and say, hey, I heard you, and maybe even attend some of their events or listen to their music. Thank you so much. We have had some incredible people that have gotten back to me and said, hey, thank you so much. Your circle of friends are awesome. For those of you that would like to see some of our past podcasts and the guests that we've had on, please go to Coach Mickey and Friends. Also, you can find all our InspireWare there, where you can get your Coach Mickey be flawless, be you coffee cup Also. You guys know that those proceeds go towards our Education Fund. But today I'm really, really excited and I've had her on. I've a couple other podcasts that you guys know that I do and I'm really happy to have her on this one.

Speaker 1:

I had an opportunity to meet her oh my gosh, it was a week ago. Friday. I was at an event down in San Diego. That was really fun. It was down at a winery and there was music playing and she just happened to be part of that group that I was invited to. We got talking and I love her mission, I love what she's doing. So I'm just going to jump right in because she is going to give this more attention and insight than I could ever do trying to do this. But I will tell you right now what she is doing is an incredible cause and she is as beautiful as her cause and what she does, and she brings a lot of joy to many lives. So thank you so much for joining us today. Felicia Harris, how are you?

Speaker 2:

Oh, I'm doing fine, I'm doing great. Thank you, coach Mickey, for allowing me to come on and share my story.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I am so excited.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I'm sorry, Go ahead. No, I said I appreciate this opportunity.

Speaker 1:

Well, you're going to find that we're all about the flaws here, so don't worry about if you make mistakes and talk over each other. But when we were talking, when I met you down in San Diego and you started telling me what you were doing, I thought, man, what a, what a gift, what an incredible thing to do for people. So why don't you go ahead and share with our circle of friends what, what your mission is and what you're doing? Ok, great.

Speaker 2:

So the organization I have is a nonprofit organization and a nonprofit organization called Greater Works, today Incorporated, and we're actually the home offices in Fort Worth, texas. However, I am the Southern California representative and what we do is we have our mission is real simple, and that is strengthening our cities, one community at a time, and we have a clear vision and that is to enhance self esteem, build confidence and empower men and women of all ages. So what we do we actually have four different things that we're that we work with. Of course, it is the community. One of the things that is true and dear to my heart is the Operation Blessings we Care campaign, which is we seek monetary donations so that we can provide feel good body care products for cancer patients. And the great thing about this you know.

Speaker 2:

Let me just share a story. When I go into these cancer centers, you could just see them, you know they're receiving radiation or they're receiving chemo and they just look like they just lost all hope. And when we go in with these feel good body care, lip care products and we present it to them and there's always a either a gift tag or a gift sticker on the actual packaging that just reads this gift of hope was donated by, and, of course, whoever the sponsor person is. So you know, and they often ask, well, what does this cost? And I just say, well, you know what? This is? A gift of hope just for you. And immediately you see their eyes light up, as if I have given them really the gift of life that someone, a stranger, thought enough to help them. So it's just all about giving back, and I just love what I do.

Speaker 2:

I'm working with five cancer centers here in Riverside, san Bernardino County, and eventually also in Alson, san Diego County I'm sorry, riverside, San Bernardino and Riverside, and so we just need help, you know, and that's what it is. It's just giving back to the community. That's what it's all about. To those in need.

Speaker 1:

That is really wonderful. It really is, and I love that when you were telling me these stories of what you had. You know what you do and I know the products that you use. You know it's through the program that you're affiliated with. However, the fact that you use that, excuse me, as the vehicle, excuse me to bring hope and fun to these people and give them a little bit of inspiration, you know and you know, and they're going through a rough time. You know.

Speaker 1:

I mean I've, unfortunately, I have dealt with family members that have had to deal with cancer and some have transitioned from cancer and it's not a fun thing and it's scary, and I just know that having anything positive or uplifting that you can have during that timeframe means so much and it's just little stuff. You know it's little things like that and you know I like the fact that you offer products and things that actually help, because I know going through chemo and radiation, you know from the people that I've seen. You know having your lips, your hair, you know all that stuff that just seems to suffer and you struggle with. To have something that you can use to help take away some of those issues is really awesome. So I don't know if you can mention, if you can't, what products or how do you do this? I mean, I don't want to cross the line of some of the things, because I know there's some things you can discuss and some you can't. So I'll let you run with this, go ahead.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so the products are it is a hydrating lotion, it is a night cream, extra maliant night cream, and these are the body care products. And then we also have Shea Butter scrub for their lips, as well as Shea lip balm, because I'm telling you, you know, their lips are chapped, their skin is. One lady she said, oh, my skin looks like leather because of the radiation. And so you know, and these are products that when I went to the cancer centers, I asked them, I said, you know, we want to do this. This is some of the products. And I said, well, and I left some there for them to try with the patients, because, you know, when people are going through chemo or radiation or both, you know they have a sensitivity to sense. So we want to make sure that these products would not cause any issues, you know that way. And then we also do hydrating facial products for them as well, which is a hydrating mask, that's, it's a gel suspended in a matrix to, you know, keep their face moisturized. So I'm telling you, there's like four or five different things that we offer them and they have their choice of selection. And so it's just again a wonderful feeling and to give back.

Speaker 2:

And you know, and sometimes some of my ladies and I, oftentimes we would go in and we would present them. Sometimes we're able to, but it just depends on how busy the, the center is, but a lot of times we're able to go in and sit with them and present it to them and sometimes, and I said, well, sure, they ask can we open? I said it's yours, absolutely. And you just see them using some of the, the body care products, and and then sometimes they often asked us you know what we might pray in with them? And of course we do and and it's just you know, it just opens up a whole new friendship with the patients. And of course, you know a lot of the staff. They actually commend us on this and so grateful that someone will be willing to help. So I just love what I do and but of course you know, with, as with anything, it takes funding.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah and that's, that's one of the reasons why I wanted to have you come on and share your story and, as you guys know, all the links will be embedded into the podcast where, if you want to reach out and help and have Felicia benefit from some maybe your gifts that you guys could give, you know, even any little amount is it is a, is gonna be helpful. We always know, you know you, you, you guys know. My favorite quote is no one's ever gotten poor from giving, by Anne Frank.

Speaker 1:

So I truly believe that and live that. The other thing too is you said something about you know a stranger and friendship, and I remember one time I the first time I ever walked into one of the high schools I coached at, and in big letters, as soon as you walk in the front doors, they had it painted on the wall and it said welcome, welcome to this high school. And it said strange, walking through these doors, here are strangers that are friends you just haven't met yet oh, wow and I love that and I thought you know how true is that?

Speaker 1:

because really, everything we do and everybody that cross our path or you know what we do and meet with people you know we're gonna always leave a little bit of us behind, regardless, you know. So you're all people will always remember how you made them feel. Now, a lot of times we just walk through on autopilot and we're kind of, you know, numb to what we're doing and who's around us. But I would say, majority of the time, if you're interacting with somebody, they're gonna remember, especially if you made a positive difference and, on the other hand, obviously if you made another difference, they will remember. So what a wonderful gift. And you know there is a lot of scientific excuse me, I'm a loss from where I was gonna say there's a lot of scientific evidence of how being positive or smiling or having something uplifting changes every molecule in your body. You know, I know, I know there I've had friends that were suffering through some of this stuff and they said, oh my gosh, all I did was watch comedies.

Speaker 1:

All I wanted to do was just laugh and they're, their experience of healing and getting through what they needed to get through was, you know, almost cut in half because they use. They use more positive in reinforcement and feeling good. You know our mind when we focus on whatever we're we're focused, goes energy flows, you know. So, you know it's one of those things. So, to bring a little bit of uplifting and inspiration did somebody go. You know what, maybe, maybe I've got, maybe I've got this, maybe I got another. I've got somebody who cares because you don't.

Speaker 1:

You don't know anybody's story. You know you. That's one thing to go through what they're going through, but you don't know what they're going through really in the rest of their life. So right, so I think you were. Your compassion, your time, your products, yeah, just you as a person.

Speaker 1:

Coming into these people's lives really, I think has much a bigger impact than just some lip, lip care and skin care, and that's why I wanted to have you. Wonderfully, because you are offering back, if you said hope, but you offer so much more as a human being and as an individual, and that that is a rare gift and I really love the fact that there's somebody like you, that that it's out there doing this. And you spread my gosh. I know you're spreading yourself really thin because I know you go to all these places and, as you said, you know funding is what it's, not that much. Is that that much? You guys, you could actually donate whatever you can. A dollar, five dollars, you know thirty dollars would be huge if you could do that and you got enough to crack right now. What are you trying to raise? And it's not that much. I know you're not trying to raise that much right now to get you through the next, next journey of this. So what are you looking at? What you're not?

Speaker 2:

Okay, so what I'm looking at? Each chemo care kit is only thirty dollars, and I don't know about you, but you know I can spend thirty dollars in three days going to the Starbucks line, so I'm not Three days, that's true.

Speaker 1:

Make coffee at home, you guys come on yeah.

Speaker 2:

Bice creamer yes, I'm creamer. They got Starbucks creamer in the store. So it's thirty dollars per chemo care kit. And our goal, ladies and gents, is, by September 4 is four thousand dollars. And the reason that we do that is because I want to present these gifts to them, have all the monies, place all the necessary orders so that we can have them here, get everything and then arrange for packaging which, by the way, I do utilize high schoolers and that need community service hours so we gather and we pack, and then also so that we can be ready to go the end of September, 1 of October. So it's just, it is a time consuming thing. However, if we have the funding, we can just move forward. So we're looking for for monetary donation of four thousand dollars by September 4.

Speaker 2:

And I, you know, I truly believe everyone listening to this podcast, you can do that and you know, like, like Mickey said, you know, thirty dollars is not a lot and as many people are watching this podcast, you know some people I have had say, well, can I just sponsor to you know, and that's awesome. But you know, we just, we just need to do this. And the great thing is, too, is that we are updating our greater works today website and we also work with seniors, because that's another thing that we're gonna be doing around the holidays, because seniors are often forgot in assisted living. So we work with that too. We also work with the meant teens mentoring program, because the our youth is our future. But right now what is imminent is the cancer Operation blessings we care campaign. So again, we just need help and you know I do all the legwork and, like I said, we go in and and it's just a blessing, it truly is a good feeling To know that we're doing this.

Speaker 1:

I like the fact too, that you're actually incorporating some of the high schools that have, you know, have to do community service or even just some of these Programs where you know it gives them an opportunity to to go back and give but also get out there and do something for the community. That's beneficial. And I think also it opens up their eyes to how Grateful and lucky they are when you see somebody struggling and you see that maybe it's not so bad. You know, some of these first world problems that you think are happening in your life Aren't as they don't hold as much value as when you see somebody really going through something difficult.

Speaker 1:

You know, I took my son to Europe quite a bit when he was younger and some of it he remembers. Some of it he doesn't, but one of the things that he does remember is some of the places that we did visit. You know he saw the different lifestyles. He saw how different it was, you know, and he's learned to be grateful for the things that are in his life and what he has, because you know, things don't always come that easy.

Speaker 1:

We've got you know, we take for granted that. You know today, you know everything's going on and we're not really looking at, maybe, what somebody else might be struggling through. You know, and you know what's. What's the saying? It's saying you know it's don't focus on the past, it's the past. Don't focus on the future, it'll come. You know how it's gonna come. Focus on today, that's. It's called that. It's a gift. That's why it's called the present.

Speaker 1:

You know, and that's why, you know, I think. But I love what you're doing, I think you've got an incredible cause. I really hope our circle of friends will will reach out to you and and give what they can. And even if you guys you know, you know my podcaster are timeless, so even if you're hearing this at a later time and even after the date, you know this is a program that goes on Continually and it may not be for this, this one, but I know that Felicia has, like you said, during the holidays, has another program that works with the elderly. So you know, if you guys want to pop in and see what you can do and and give a little bit, that would be awesome. So how can people reach out to you real quick? Just just go ahead and give a shout out for that, because the links are gonna be in the podcast anyway.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so you can actually reach out to me my my cell number, which is area code 619 843 1301, or you could make also a donation directly on the website, which is wwwgreaterworkstodayincorg, so then you can. Also there's a QR code that's gonna that you can text the donate as well when you are doing that on my behalf, so that we can make sure that the funds come for the cancer patients here where I am in the reference if you just put reference Felicia chemo care or something like that so we know that those funds would be allocated for the cancer patients here. So, absolutely so.

Speaker 1:

Awesome. Okay, well, that sounds like a really good way for people to reach out to you and, again, all these links will be into the podcast. So thank you so much for being with us, felicia, I know well. First of all, I wanted to share with you guys, so I spoke to Felicia last night. First of all, we have been trying to connect and due to a series of events over the past week which have been just crazy, but I think things happened for a reason, so you should call me last night and she's like oh, I'm driving out to, I think, where you like, elsinor.

Speaker 2:

You're out in Elsinor Like Elsinor Storm. Yes, I was at the base, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And she goes. It's raining. I'm like, are you serious? I mean, of course we're Southern California, she goes and I gotta go to this baseball event. I'm thinking, here is this poor gal, she's standing out in the pouring rain during a baseball event. However, time that's gonna happen, with rain, delays and all that jazz, giving away gift baskets, trying to raise money, and I thought, man, what dedication. This is not just, oh hey, I'll take some money and I'll make you a basket. And I was. No, I know what this woman is doing. She is out there hitting the ground, running every day, doing things, and I will say that I also know you've got things in Vanity within your own family that you have to spread out your time for. And my gosh, felicia, your heart is bigger than your body. Your heart is bigger than your body, girlfriend.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Speaker 1:

Well, thank you for being with us and we're gonna get you that number. I want you guys to really come on. Let's just dig deep in, deep in, and do this. Let's make this happen for us and I'm gonna have you back. I wanna have you back. I'm gonna keep everybody posted. Let them know what you ended up getting and where you went with it. Maybe we can get some pictures up on my website so you guys can follow up with that. And then also, I wanna have you back for the holidays. So let's do it prior so we can get you those things that we need for the elders that you're working with.

Speaker 2:

Awesome. I appreciate it. Thank you everyone for your support. It is well appreciated From the bottom of my heart. Thank you so much.

Speaker 1:

All right, you guys, thanks again for being with us. I am excited to know that you guys are gonna step up and do things you always do, and that makes me happy and it makes the world happy. Do a little bit of something, something it always comes back around. As you guys know, the most courageous thing you can do is be yourself and be fearless, be flawed, be you. I love you guys. I'll see you next week. Bye, bye-bye, thank you.