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Coach Mikki and Friends
Unlocking Potential: Exploring the Power of Hypnosis with Kevin Stone
What if you could unlock the power of your subconscious mind to overcome obstacles and reach your full potential? That’s the intriguing possibility we explore with our guest, Kevin Stone, a board certified hypnotherapist, who has helped millions harness their untapped potential using hypnosis. Kevin joins us to demystify hypnosis and explain its application in areas like weight loss, smoking cessation, and managing stress and anxiety.
Hypnosis goes beyond being a mere quick fix. Its efficacy derives from its ability to reprogram your subconscious mind to alter deeply ingrained negative thoughts and behaviors. Kevin and I delve into the profound effects of hypnosis and its transformative potential when backed by dedication and commitment. We also discuss how societal pressures for instant results can often skew therapy expectations and emphasize the importance of a gradual, meaningful change.
In a riveting discussion, we navigate through the complex world of addiction and mental health, specifically focusing on overcoming binge eating. A specialist in this field sheds light on the unique challenges of working with high-profile clients and underlines the importance of synergy between therapist and client for achieving success. Rounding off the episode, we have an engrossing interview with Kevin on the power of self-hypnosis, offering listeners a chance to get their hands on a free self-hypnosis programming system. Join us for this enlightening chat on the power and potential of hypnosis.
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Hey, I'm Coach Mickey and I'm so glad that you've joined us, and if this is your first time joining us, come on in to make yourself comfortable, and for those of you that join us on a regular basis, I'm so glad that you do. Thank you so much for reaching out to my guests and connecting with them and asking questions and connecting with them and whenever facet seems to resonate with you, I really appreciate that. I know they do too. Today is going to be really fun because I have got on with me Kevin Stone, and he is a hypnotist and he has hypnotized over a million people and helped them in so many different facets of his life, so we're just going to jump right in. How are you, kevin?
Speaker 2:I'm well, Hello everyone.
Speaker 1:So I guess my first question, just if anybody is not aware what is a hypnotist Like? What do you do?
Speaker 2:Well, I'm a board certified hypnotherapist. I work in the medical field where we help people to help themselves. We basically reprogram their brain with powerful suggestions. So, in other words, when somebody wants to stop smoking, lose weight, that's what most hypnotists are known for. But it goes beyond that. It goes into pain management, which I became a specialist We'll talk about that, hopefully later Became on staff at some of the most world renowned hospitals, and so basically, what hypnosis does is basically allow you to achieve your maximum potential In an organic, natural way. Because hypnosis is common. We go in and out of hypnosis about 1,000 times a day.
Speaker 1:Really, because I know that this does this kind of focus on your conscious or your subconscious.
Speaker 2:Subconscious. Yeah, we don't only mess with the conscious, because the conscious is that little voice inside your head that when you wake up in the morning, you already start programming yourself oh, I'm having a bad hair day. It already sets the pace for your day and that little talk that you're giving yourself is more than likely negative. And we all do it, and we all do it every single day. So we deal with the subconscious mind, because that's where all information is stored.
Speaker 1:To actually reprogram the mind, so I know you work with a lot of people in different facets, whether it's weight loss, to quit smoking. I know you work with quite a few celebrities. What would you say is the most common thing that you help people work with?
Speaker 2:Well, because of the pandemic, it's been stress and anxiety issues, lots of them. So, as you know, mental issues have been on the rise since the pandemic and a lot of people are struggling not only with stress and anxiety but with a lot of other challenges that have come up in their life. So, for right now, what's happening is there's a lot of stress and anxiety and fear going on. So that's what's mainly. But therapy. It goes up and down, it's just different. It depends on the season, it depends on the year. So, again, because of the pandemic, it's been a lot of stress and a lot of anxiety.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean I know you work with people that weight loss and smoking and other things, but yes, I think anxiety and what we deal with on a regular basis, I think affects everybody, regardless of whatever age. So I know that a lot of these things that you work with them, so what happens. So kind of walk me through how does hypnotherapy work? How does it work?
Speaker 2:Well first you have to be open to it. You have to get rid of all of the stigma that's attached to it, and again, it's part of the nature of the business that I'm in. I've been dealing with this for over 30 years. It's absolutely gotten a lot better throughout the years because of more of the commercialism of hypnosis and the medical applications and the acceptance of it in the medical field of how the applications are very powerful and are instrumental in helping people again without the drugs, in a very natural way. And so you have to be open to it. You just have to allow it to happen and, basically, what the hypnotherapist is doing or the hypnotist is guiding you through a process, You're really doing it. You see, all hypnosis is really self-hypnosis and, like I said, we go in and out of it about 1,000 times a day.
Speaker 2:Natural common forms of hypnosis if you're driving down the freeway highway and you realize you missed your exit somewhere, it was three-eighths back, right, that's a common form. Or back in the day. Or even now, if you're sitting in class, you're not really paying attention to the teacher. Or if you're not really listening to this podcast, you are off somewhere else, but listening in the back of your mind. That's a hypnotic state. So when you're focusing, concentrated on a particular subject, that's a true form of hypnosis. So that's why we go in and out of it all day long and we don't even realize this. So why not harness that natural power?
Speaker 2:And so I, like everyone else, was on the other side of the fence. I was a skeptic, a cynic, didn't really understand it. My background I'm from the East Coast. I come from New England. It's a very different world, Even in the United States of America, culturally, and so I grew up a little bit differently, and so I was taught that this stuff was basically what you see behind me and those very antique posters behind me where the movies sensationalize it, the TV shows sensationalize it. Even to this day, they have movies that have come out where I'm controlling you or the hypnotist is controlling you to make you do things you don't want to do. That is not what the case is whatsoever. So we are all hypnotists every single day. If you have a spouse, you are taking in suggestions and given suggestions to your spouse. So you're a true form of being a hypnotist as well. You're just not formally trained like something like me, where I went to college for this, learned how to do it and then applied it.
Speaker 1:So I guess that leads me to our next question. So we go in and out of, like you said, like a hypnotized state each day with our minds wandering off somewhere else. And again, I work with a lot of women with binge eating. They do that. That does a lot of eating disorder. So I know a lot of it is connected, based on the food and what is connected with that food, whether it be something pleasurable, whether it be a comfort reason, whether it be something to escape. So I guess using that as an example kind of fill me in, like how does that? And I've never really understood it. So how does that work with our brain when we associate something like with a phobia or like with the food? I mean, what's the difference of a conscious compared to a subconscious thought to make?
Speaker 2:it do something? That's a great question, and we have to talk after this program, because I've been doing a lot of work in your area lately as well. Yeah, yeah, and it's not like new Again. I've been doing this for 30 years, so I've been very instrumental in helping people overcome those issues. But maybe you can give me more insight in what you do as an expert in that field to help me, to help them.
Speaker 2:So it's important to understand this All behavior is learned behavior, right, and scientists have even traced it all the way back into our mother's womb, where we start to pick up information and start to be programmed in the mother's womb. So if you understand that all behavior is learned behavior, guess what the good news is? You can unlearn the behavior. Now, we're not really taught skills or these kind of techniques throughout our school systems throughout the world.
Speaker 2:And so hypnosis, as far as I'm concerned, I'm a little biased, because I have tried all of the modalities. I've tried everything back in my younger days because, again, I'm human and I have issues just like anyone else, and I want to overcome these issues. So when I found hypnosis and I found that, wow, this stuff is that powerful, it's natural or organic and it changes quickly. Why not do that? So that's what happened for me. So hypnosis, basically, with the good hypnotist or hypnotherapist, they're able to reprogram that negative behavior that's sitting in your subconscious mind. So let's break it down in simple terms. So, can you visualize? Yeah. Can you imagine? Yeah. Can you think? Yeah.
Speaker 2:I know crazy questions. I know I have to ask them Because some people can't do all three, and that doesn't mean you're good or bad. It doesn't mean any of that. It just gives me a better idea, as the therapist, as to how your mind processes, how you communicate and how you receive communication. So once I understand that, and since you are able to do all three, you're fairly easy to really go into a suggestible hypnotic state to actually reprogram your mind. So since you can do all three and if the audience is nodding their head now, yes, that is me as well and even if it's two or if it's just one, I want you to think about a circle and I want you to make the circle as big as you want or as small as you want. It's up to you. The circle is gonna represent your brain. So now what I want you to do in that circle is I want you to draw a line horizontally through the circle. So now we have three parts of the circle. Okay, so you have the top part, the middle part, which is the critical factor We'll get to that in a moment and then the bottom part, which is your subconscious mind. Subconscious mind is 88% of your brain's capacity. This is where all information is stored. That means good or bad, We'll talk about that in a second. The top part is your conscious mind. That's 12% of your brain's capacity. Now, scientists have also determined that we don't really even use the full 12% of our brain's capacity. It's still to be determined as to what our potentials are. It's that incredible of what our minds can do. So conscious mind 12%, subconscious mind 88% of that critical factor.
Speaker 2:So when you go into a hypnotic state, it's very similar to going into a sleep state. Now you don't blank out, You're not gonna become a zombie and also make all any magic dust on you and you walk away cured, right. Doesn't work that way. Like you see in a comedy stage hypnosis show. It doesn't work that way. But for some people it does. But that's another story for another day. It's a very long story. So basically, what happens when you go into this adjustable state? The critical factor opens up. Same thing in a sleep state. When you go into a REM state, your mind opens up and then you start to dream. Right Now, do you remember your dreams at all?
Speaker 1:Sometimes sometimes.
Speaker 2:All right. Are they in black and white or are they in color?
Speaker 1:Oh, that's a good question. You know what? I can't answer you honestly with that, because I don't remember.
Speaker 2:That's okay. That's okay. See, these questions again are therapeutic questions for me to determine how you think, how you process right. And again, they're not good or bad. You can't. There's no win or lose, it's just more information for me to help you, to guide you to where you need to go.
Speaker 2:So once I start speaking to that most powerful part of your brain, the subconscious mind, and reprogram it, I know I have more information to do that. So, basically, what happens is when you go into the REM state sleep like state, you go into that dream state. Now everyone dreams because if you didn't dream, this is how, back in the day, they used to brainwash people where it's sleep deprivation. Once you have sleep deprivation, you are able to program people because your mind is not able to process. So when you go into a hypnotic state or when you go into a sleep state, it's very, very similar. The REM kicks in and then you start to process the information from the day through your dream sequences. Okay, same thing with hypnosis. The critical factor opens up. I get into the subconscious mind with your permission, and I reprogram the most powerful part of your brain, with your permission, and I give it suggestions. So again, it's important to remember all behavior. Learn behavior.
Speaker 2:The mind when it processes the information. And the scientist came up with a number and that magic number is 21. Once you establish anything 21 times in a row, it's now an automatic to your mind. The mind does not think for itself. It has to be told what to do so it doesn't decipher between good, bad, evil. Good, it just doesn't. It just does the information that it's programmed and told what to do. Now your conscious mind kicks in and goes well, gee, let's say smoking, I shouldn't be smoking anymore. It's bad for my health. My doctor tells me I should stop smoking. That's causing wrinkles. I'm getting older, it's basically killing me. So your conscious mind tells you that. Your subconscious mind goes no, I already know what I'm doing and remember, it's the dominant force of your thinking. So the subconscious mind goes no, I already know what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna continue to do it. So that's what hypnosis does. It facilitates between the two minds, reprograms the subconscious, takes out the negative and replaces with the positive of what you're wanting to do.
Speaker 1:So it's basically retraining your brain and then it's like, wow, that makes a lot of sense. It really does. I mean, especially like you said what do you say to yourself, what are you telling yourself over and over again? And like you said, if you're saying 21 times, then that's just gonna solidify what you're saying, and then it becomes true, and it becomes that belief. Now do you find that's pretty much with everything, whether it's a phobia or smoking or weight loss, or maybe even just the way people think, is that pretty much covered everything?
Speaker 2:Absolutely, because, again, remember, go back to the basic of all behavior, learn behavior. So somehow your subconscious mind understood that behavior and accepted it to be a positive known, although you know it's a negative. So, fear of spiders, fear of snakes. At some point you had some sort of an encounter, either in real time with a real snake or a real spider, or you were watching a television program, or you were with someone else, and they had that experience and you reacted to it. So your mind received the information and so, therefore, it now thinks that, oh, my goodness, I have this fear of spider or this phobia of spiders and snakes. Yeah, that's the real simplicity and the basic of how mind processes and why it processes.
Speaker 1:So I guess my next question would be so let's say that you and I'll just use eating, because that's what I work with. So if you have been a binge eater for, let's say, 40 years and then all of a sudden, now you're trying to reprogram and redo this and, as you said, 21 times is gonna help change that and solidify it in your brain what are the chances, or what are the percentages, that you slide back and then you have to go back and start over again? Or like once you get going, are you good?
Speaker 2:I love that. I love that thinking because with the applications of hypnosis is zero. Zero because, again, it's like we work on our computers all day long. I'm not wearing a computer right now, and that's how amazing. That technology is right, but our brain is so much more sophisticated than the computers. So, basically, just like your home computer or your computer, you program the, do what it's going to do. Same principle with the mind Once you program it, and again the tool to facilitate that as hypnosis.
Speaker 2:Now, hypnosis is not for everyone. Only because they can't get past their limiting belief system. They can't get past it. Their conditioning is so entrenched in their mind that they will not get past it, either their spirituality, their teaching, their background, their culture. There's so many factors involved that some people just don't allow this natural organic process to really work for them. And the irony is here's. The irony is that it's working for them every single day Because, like I've said, we're doing this all day long, we're going in and out of it all day long. So why not understand the principle of it? Why not understand the natural, organic process of it and use it for you instead of it being used against you? Because, look, we're all been barred every single day with subliminals, subconscious reactions from commercials TV. We're driving down the street, it's all around us all the time, every day. I mean, look at me, this is the holiday season. I'm wearing a Santa hat. I don't wear Santa hat every day, so I'm I love it.
Speaker 1:I love the Santa hat, though that is really fun. Yeah, we know. I think, because we have, like you said, programmed ourselves and in certain things of feeling a certain way or thinking a certain way, or it's always been that way, how much of it would you say comes down to just choice? Because I know, for some of the things that I've worked with, and even for myself I'm going to say personally, I realize it's like how much time more time do I want to work with, I want to waste on this, how much more time do I want to spend this? How much more time do I want to feel like this and finding that choice to go I don't want to do this anymore and to reprogram my mind. I know it takes a lot of work. So, with hypnosis, is it something that happens instantaneously or is this a growing process?
Speaker 2:It depends on the individual. It depends on them, again, and their own belief system and how willing and wanting they want to go through the process. So it really depends on them. So I get that all the time People call my office because they again, people are very familiar with me because I'm global Right, if you Google best hypnotist in the world.
Speaker 2:I'm that guy. So I'm the guy that everyone comes to for consulting, for movies, television, books, and not only that for my private practice, because they want help from all over the world. So what is happening is they want, they see and there's lots of videos of me out there on YouTube and so what they see is what they want, right, we all do, we're all guilty of it, we're human and this is what we want. We want the instant fix, we want 7-Eleven, we want it, we want it now, right, and our culture continues to do that and technology continues to support that. Look at AI, look at all these things that are being created to make our lives easier because and it's quick, fast, and we want to want to Amazon, we make an order, it's at a doorstep within hours or the next day.
Speaker 2:Absolutely so. You know our society continues to fuel that and so we want that. So in therapy and I'm sure you faced with this too as a therapist they want that instant. They don't understand that it's not going to be one session, it's going to take some time, depending on the issue, to get through the process. And how I explain that to people, to make it simple, is especially this time of the year.
Speaker 2:New Year's Eve is coming, everybody has their New Year's resolutions I want to lose weight, stop smoking all the standard and they want to be more healthy. So what do they do? They sign up for gym membership in the end of January, right, and they all go in and they want to be looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger within a week. And so they realize after the first week that it's going to take work and it's going to take a little time to get through the process, to build, to become that look and that healthy image of an Arnold Schwarzenegger. And what do they do? They sabotage themselves and they give up because they realize it's not a quick fix and really there are no shortcuts in life. Everything is a process and it takes work and you have to commit to it and you know the first step to recovery is what Recognizing. So you have to recognize first and then move forward from that.
Speaker 2:And so same thing with hypnosis, some now some issues like I'll give you some stories. So I do a lot of lecturing, I do a lot of comedy, stage hypnosis shows, as well as the serious side of me being board certified in the medical side. So I do a lot of programs and I'll give you a really quick story of a big corporate event I was doing. They have big smiles on their packages. As a matter of fact, if you heard my doorbell earlier, that was me getting another one of them. I'm sure we all get them every single day.
Speaker 2:Right. So so the CEO of that company was a smoker and basically he didn't want to be a participant in the program. I didn't force him. His wife forced him to come up to be part of the show because she had just seen me on one of the television programs so she knew it was going to happen. So basically what happened was he said he had the best time he ever had in his life. He didn't want to be there but he was up there because his wife forced him to go and he had the best time he ever had in his life.
Speaker 2:And he reaches into his pocket, pulls out a fresh pack of cigarettes Camel, non filter. Says he's a 40 year smoker, two and a half packs a day. And because of being in the show and what I do at the end of the show for about I don't know five minutes, I give very powerful suggests like I would if you were to come and see me in a therapeutic situation. He pulls out the cigarettes and says I'm now a smashers amount of grouses. I'm now a non smoker, 40 years, two and a half packs a day, instantly stopped smoking because of a comedy station nosy show and the programming that I do in that particular show, right?
Speaker 2:So that's where people go. Well, I want that too. Well, you can, and some people can make those changes quickly and rapidly, just like that. But some of them are long term and like weight. You're not going to lose weight in one hypnosis session. That's going to take a six to 12 session to get you to balance point and to manage ability to get you where you want to be. So that gives you an idea of some of the things that can rapidly and some take some time, and you know that as a therapist that you're, you have to commit, you're in for the hall and so if you're ready, let's do it.
Speaker 1:Actually, just so I can clarify, I'm not a therapist, I'm just a life and health coach. I've been working with women for over my gosh 30 some years and being a binge eater myself or I should say I'm no longer a binge eater, but I'm just my journey. I've had that opportunity to associate and help people with that. And again, there's moments I have. That's why I ask you about how long is it take? Because even for as long as I have you know I always say not use food as a coping mechanism there's moments I still find where I'm grabbing a bag of chips to feel comfortable.
Speaker 2:So that's what I was asking with the association, see, that's the association is still on your mind, that's still programmed, that your mind is automatically going to, that you're going to do it, not even thinking about it, you just do it right, because that's what your mind knows. And, just like when you open up your computer, it's going to do exactly what you programmed it to do, unless you take that stuff and put in that little trash can and dump it out. Right? So yeah, absolutely positively. So in regards to that issue too, I'll tell you this because, again, I have extensive work in it, not as extensive as yourself, but have extensive work. So I have treated and helped with under six sessions, some some a little more longer, long term, so maybe 12, maybe 15 sessions, but it kind of gives you the variance of you know what that is, but it's not one session. I can tell you that it's not and it's not magic, and so that's just not going to happen, because in that particular issue it's a process, and so I've been able to help in under six.
Speaker 1:That makes sense because food's within our life. It's not like smoking, where you can just quit cold turkey and never pick up another cigarette. You know, the biggest challenge I have with working with people that are, you know, and again, any eating disorder that's associated with food is difficult, but with binge eating it's like you can't give up food. It's always a conscious choice, it's always have, it's a lifestyle, and so for you to be able to take it to that next level and help people to identify and get there, that's a gift. It really is, because, again, you're taking it a lot further than I ever could. So, yeah, I'll be setting people's view a lot more because it gets out of my wheelhouse after a while. I just kind of cover the basics, but yeah, no, that's really amazing.
Speaker 1:I wanted to kind of go back to the celebrity thing. I know you work with a lot of celebrities and you said you know anxiety and you know some of the other things that you work with. And again, these are just people. You know celebrities are just people doing another job. I'm not starting to feel like this.
Speaker 1:Yeah, what are some of the things that most people come to Is the same thing anxiety and stress.
Speaker 2:Well, yeah, because again, it doesn't matter if you're a king, queen in government, the heads of state, movie stars. We're all people, at the end of the day, and with different stress and different anxiety, with different pressures of what our jobs are and what we're doing. But I will say, this addiction is a big one, and that just doesn't mean alcohol or drugs, that's smoking, that's food. That covers a broad range of a lot. So addiction is a big one with the industry, the celebrities, where, again, you know, because again we're all humans, so we have to facilitate our stress and anxiety with something else. That's just nature of the beast, this is how it works with our bodies and with our system. But you have to understand it. And then, once you understand it, then you can go okay, now I can do something about it. And then you have to seek out the right people to help you to overcome that. See, that's the other challenge too, which a lot of people don't understand, because I get that a lot too. They're well, I've been to seven hypnotists and none of them work.
Speaker 2:I said why are you calling me Well? Why do you think? Why do you think I'm going to be different? You know? So I really with me before I take anyone on, because I'm not interested in having them fail and not only them. But I'm not interested in failing either, and that's why I think I become how I become, because of my model, of how I run my business. I'm interested in helping people help themselves, not just a quick fix, not just because, oh, I think no, no, you have to really understand. If I'm going to be your therapist or your coach, then we are going to form a partnership here, because you and I are going to overcome what you're going through and you're going to know that I'm there to help you and give you everything that I know and what I can do to get you there. But you have to take those steps. I can't do it for you, nobody can do it for you.
Speaker 2:So I'm not interested in in fact, I'm even having a hard time saying the word failure. There is no such thing to me. When you come into my office, when you take on the services that I provide to get you where you need to go, you are going to succeed, and that's in my heart, that's my passion.
Speaker 1:It's intimate. I mean, you are, you're delving into people's. You know, like you said, they're subconscious. So there's a matter of trust, there's a matter of being vulnerable, there's a matter of, you know, being willing and then being able to want to, you know, I mean having that ability to say yes, I'm ready for this, I want to do it and make those changes, you know.
Speaker 1:I can see your passion with it and that's, you know. That has a lot to say because, like I said, you're putting yourself out there in a very vulnerable stage and actually, like you said, recognizing there's a problem to begin with and now saying, okay, I recognize this, now I just need the tools to fix it and then finding the right person to be able to bring that and help you with that situation.
Speaker 2:That's right. Right, it's like anything else in life, our relationships that we have in our own personal lives. You have to find the right fit. You have to find the right therapist, the right coach to really help you, to guide you where you need to go. So, yeah, if you've been through five or six or seven of them already, then that's just the process, you know, to get to the one that you really want to get to. And maybe you weren't really ready yourself, you know.
Speaker 2:So I really pre-qualify individuals before I even start any process with them at all, because I'm not about wasting their time or my time. Time is just too valuable to do that with anything. And so I want to make sure that if you're committing and you understand what where we're going to go because there's going to be highs and there's definitely going to be lows, and those lows are going to be painful and through that pain is where the healing process happens. But you can't have fear to go there, because that's where people disconnect, just like the metaphor I gave you earlier about the gym the moment they realize there's pain involved and they have to actually do something, they just can't walk in and look like Arnold Schwarzenegger a week later doesn't work that way.
Speaker 2:You've got to really focus, be disciplined and commit to what the process is and what I do, the work that I do and why I'm so passionate about it because it's drug free, it's natural, it's organic, it's guiding them through the process of where they need to be and reprogramming that mind, just like it did for me over 30 years ago. And I continuously do it every single day Because, look, I'm human too. So as my life evolves, other issues come into play and I have to have those tools to negate that, to be able to still achieve my maximum potential, to stay on top of my game every single day, and hypnosis is that tool.
Speaker 1:It makes sense because I think things come up in your life or situations or experiences and then all of a sudden your brain clicks into something you haven't thought about in I don't know 20 years or 10 years, and you're like, well, where in the world did that come from? And it's because something's been so deep rooted and it just happened to click and hit that nerve. And now you're like, okay, well, this is new, I'm not gonna deal with this.
Speaker 2:Here's the metaphor to make it so simple. Right, it's that song that comes up on the radio, or you're listening to it in the mall and you haven't heard it since you were in high school and all of a sudden your mind goes right back to all of those experiences you had in that moment from 20, 30, 10 years ago, and you're just like mind blown and like wow. So it's the same thing as what you're talking about, absolutely positively. All that information still in that filing cabinet, in that subconscious mind. We're not trying to remove the information, we're trying to have you manage, contain and control it so you can achieve your maximum potential. So we wanna try something really quick, because I think we're running out a little bit of a time.
Speaker 1:Oh no, we can't. We can't Some time go ahead? Yes, absolutely.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 2:So let's try something of how again, where again it's a gauge, where this is what is called a suggestibility test, where you can't pass, you can't fail. It's just again me understanding how you communicate, how you receive communication, so unable, as the hypnotist, to really get into your subconscious mind, with your permission, cause again, this is where people, the stigma, will always be there and I actually have fun with it. Now I really do. But back in the day, when I was a younger man, a younger hypnotist, it was really painful because the stigma that's attached to the work that I do. But, like I said, it's becoming more and more mainstream. People are understanding it more. It's accepted pretty much in the medical field, as it wasn't when I first graduated college with this and getting into the field, we couldn't even call it hypnosis. We had to use other names, different stuff, but anyway. So I forgot where I was going. But let's try this, what I call a suggestibility test, just to determine again where you're at. So take your hands, put them up like this Everybody. If you're watching you can do this as well. This is really cool. But if you're driving, don't do this. Or if you're, are there any machinery or anything? Turn the machinery off. You don't want to do this Now. You're not going into hypnosis, but I want to make sure you're in a safe environment.
Speaker 2:Okay, so take your hands just like this, fold them down just like that. Take your two fingers, put them up like that. Now look directly down the center of the two fingers, concentrate on my voice. You find it starting right now. Those two fingers will start to move in closer and closer together, as if there is two magnets pulling and tugging. Tugging and pulling closer, closer, closer they're going to touch. When they do touch, you're going to reach out to your suggestibility touching, touching, touching. Good Freeze, go ahead and relax your hands. Now, isn't that cool that there is pure suggestibility.
Speaker 2:Okay, that's what is called environmental hypnosis. Like I said, it's all around us, we go in and out of it all day long, and so that is what's called environmental hypnosis and that is what's called suggestibility test, where the fingers could just stay there the entire time, with an analytic, by the way, again. So what I'm doing as a therapist or as a hypnotist, I'm reading your behavior to determine, again, how you communicate, how you receive communication. So what's happening here is with an analytic and some of you at home watching, probably didn't have your fingers move at all. They stayed there the entire time.
Speaker 2:You're an analytic, okay, so that tells me a lot about your personality, a lot about your behavior and how I can start speaking to your brain, to basically reprogramming it the way you want it to be reprogrammed, right. So you, and like many others, those fingers came right in. Why? Because you were ready, you were open to the process and you allowed the process to happen. Did I do anything? Absolutely not. All I did was guide you where you needed to go to have the experience, and that's what hypnosis is.
Speaker 1:That was really fun. That was really fun. No, kevin, how can people find you? Again, I'm gonna have everything's gonna be in the description below and if you want to see the podcast, it's gonna be embedded in the podcast. But go ahead. And how can people find you?
Speaker 2:So easy. Nowadays. People ask me for business cards all the time. I don't even have a business card. My website is easy to remember. It's hypnotistcom. I'm gonna spell that because even when I punch it in, sometimes even I misspell it. It's just crazy, but it's hypnotistcom and it's actually that domain is like on McDonald'scom or et cetera, right, amazoncom. That'll be my retirement account and so when I'm ready to retire, I'll just sell off the website and I'll be fine for the rest of my life.
Speaker 1:Yeah, because I pulled up your information, because I put in Kevin Stone, like you said, everything came up YouTube and everything. But then when I saw your website, I'm like wow, he left out on that one Again.
Speaker 2:I got in early. I was again. I understood the foresight back in the day. I not only own that, but I own a lot of others that are associated with this. So if you think about hypnosis, you're probably gonna go to my website once you type it in, and so it's hypnotistcom H-Y-P-S-M-P-O-N-O-T-I-S-Tcom. Or if you don't even remember that, just go to Google, type in best hypnotist in the world. And I have that honor because of the work that I do and the internet and the world understands that, and so on the guy who comes up. So I'm very grateful for that. I'm very humbled by that because I've worked very hard and very passionate about what I do to help people, to give them the tools to achieve their maximum potential in life, to get where they need to go and become the person they want to be.
Speaker 1:Yeah, Well, thank you so much for being with us, kevin, I really appreciate you. I was so excited to have you on today because I know you're out there helping people and, like you said, making men be the best person they can be. But I love your passion, you know, and I can see you truly, truly love what you do and you sincerely and genuinely do it. I really would love to have you back, like you said, because New Year's is right around the corner and everybody is just like I want to do this. So if you would be willing to come back, maybe later on in January, and help us and find out why we're not going through with these goals, that would be awesome.
Speaker 2:Absolutely. Yeah, that would be great. I'll give you more tools, more techniques, more things you can do. I'll tell you what I'm going to do, though I'm going to tell you what I'm going to do right now and you just again see how the subconscious mind works, and I didn't even think about this. What triggered was what you just said. So what I'm going to do for everyone who views this podcast or listens because I think you have a listening to without the video.
Speaker 2:Yes, I've got YouTube and I'm on 19 different platforms, so listen wherever you receive this podcast, which is absolutely amazing, because what you're doing, mickey, is absolutely wonderful helping people, allowing them to, you know, talk to people like me and understand and feel good about who they want to go with, how they want to change their lives. I love what you're doing. It takes a lot of time, a lot of work. People really don't understand. You know that. Oh, you think you just get on a podcast, put a camera on it. You're doing it. Oh, no, no, no, there's a lot of work and it's a selfless experience. You know you're not getting paid for it.
Speaker 2:You're doing this out of love and the passion what you do to help people, to help themselves and bring people and introduce people like me to help others. I love that and you should be applauded for that, because I say the same thing. I, you know I would love to take the time to do what you're doing, but I just don't have the time. But I think it's so important because the media and the technology it goes global quickly, like as soon as this is done, it's out there, you know, and that's the most amazing thing about it, and then people can make those changes just like that quickly. So this is what I'm going to do For everyone listening or watching this podcast for one week from the moment, and then this is going to be released when.
Speaker 1:I'll release this on Friday.
Speaker 2:So tomorrow, one week from Friday. So tomorrow's going to be the seventh or this, okay, it doesn't matter. So today is Wednesday the sixth, so tomorrow's the seventh, so the eighth, so 12, eight, ho, ho, ho. Coming up on the eighth, which is Friday. So the following Friday at midnight Pacific coast time, this offer will no longer be valid.
Speaker 2:Listening, watching you, hear the program, for one week, friday to Friday, I will give you a $175 programming system, self hypnosis programming system that you can also purchase from the website. But I'm going to give it to you. All you have to do is email me from the website hypnotistcom. Just email me from there. Tell me you watched, listened to the program and you're interested in the opportunity that was offered from the program. But you have to type in the program. You have to type in coach Mickey. Let us know you liked the program, didn't like the program. Make some comments, however you feel doesn't make a difference to us. Just put it in there that you did watch or listen to the program. I will send you MP3 format the entire programming system to go into a self hypnotic state, take yourself out of self hypnosis and to start on your life goals right here, right now, from this program. Thank you.
Speaker 1:Kevin, that is so generous of you.
Speaker 2:Absolutely.
Speaker 1:What a great way to kick it off and what a way to start your new year too. I mean, if you can actually do this, you guys can take advantage of this opportunity. You are going to get more than you actually bargained for. You really are. It's very generous of you. Thank you so much.
Speaker 2:Thank you, I'm going to see you again very soon because the next one this is the basic foundation just introducing. We're going to get into the real deep good things and give you more tools and more success where you can be, to reach your maximum potential.
Speaker 1:I love it. I love it. Thank you so much. We'll look forward to seeing you again in January. Happy holidays. All right, you guys. Thank you so much for being with us. I appreciate you. Remember, the most courageous thing you can do is be yourself. Until next week, we have some more amazing guests, See ya.